maximize codeshare profitability

maximize codeshare profitability

> solutions > codeshare

Your challenges

You have multiple partners flying a large number of flights and regurlary updating their schedules. You need to codehsare flights that will maximize your profits and manage complicated partner agreements and relationships. You need to evaluate the benefits of partnering multiple candidate airlines.

Our codeshare optimization solution

Our optimizer evaluates strategic changes in partnerships/alliances to improve your market position. It will also suggest tactical changes to marketing flights to increase your profitability. Our tools enable you to handle complicated real-time schedule changes of multiple partners, as well as keeping your partners informed of your changes.
CodeShare on rotated tablet

Main features

Our innovative solution:
  • Presents you with the codeshare flights that will maximize your profits, while evaluating various scenarios.
  • Annotates conflicts between the schedule in your database and your partners’ and helps you to easily manage them.
  • Handles both your marketing flights on partners’ operating, as well as partner marketing flights on your operating, ensuring that your agreements are respected.
  • Enables you to handle flight numbering by specifying which flights/routes will be numbered automatically and which manually, based on rules you set up.
  • Keeps track of the changes you make and marks potential conflicts.
  • Handles schedule distribution, exporting your schedule and importing partners' schedules in IATA standard formats (SSIM, ASM, SSM). Distribution can happen automatically or manually based on the rules you set up.

CodeShare on Monitor

How do we optimize codeshare flights?

Our codeshare optimizer builds all possible itineraries for all current and potential partners. It then uses our advanced forecasting model to evaluate the number of passengers that can contribute in your network for various compartments (e.g. business, premium economy, economy). Our system then computes the network contribution on the profits for marketing each partner flight and presents the user with the most profitable scenarios.

Other solutions

Please click the links below to find out about our other airline solutions:
Long-Term Short-Term